Krill Ultra
Krill Ultra
Omega-3 Fatty Acids in phospholipid form with no fishy aftertaste! Finally, Omega-3 Fatty Acids for the person avoiding fish oil supplements due to the flavor! Even better, the phospholipid form of Omega-3 Fatty Acids (derived from Krill oil) is more bioavailable than traditional fish oils that contain a majority of their Omega-3 Fatty Acids in the triglyceride form. You get the best of both worlds!
Superba™ is a trademark of Aker BioMarine, a Norwegian company. Aker BioMarine uses patented Eco‐Harvesting technology and sound environmental practices to produce krill oil from fresh raw krill. Traditional trawling is unsuitable for krill harvesting. The Antarctic krill holds very potent digestive enzymes, and it basically self-destructs before it can be processed. With Eco-Harvesting the equipment stays under water while a continuous stream of water flows through the hose, bringing the fresh, live krill directly onto the factory vessel. The krill are processed directly onboard the floating Life Science Factory, thus bioactive components are retained.
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